Create Web Apps in Framer with stackFrame

Create Web Apps in Framer with stackFrame

Create Web Apps in Framer with stackFrame

Drag & drop stackFrame Components into your Framer Website and Integrate Authentication, User Profiles & more instantly.

Drag & drop stackFrame Components into your Framer Website and Integrate Authentication, User Profiles & more instantly.

Drag & drop stackFrame Components into your Framer Website and Integrate Authentication, User Profiles & more instantly.

How it works

Create a project in stackFrame

In order to bring this functionality to your Framer Website you'll need to create a project in stackFrame so that we can link stackFrame to your Framer website.

Copy your Project ID

Control your expenses and save money.

Once you create a stackFrame project you'll receive a Project ID. Copy this Project ID and add it to each stackFrame Framer Component you use in your project.

Drop in stackFrame components

Group bills? No problem, you can split it.

Group bills? No problem, you can split it.

stackFrame components bring Authentication, User Profiles & more. Drag and drop the components you want to use and instantly add features to your Framer website.

Customize the look of your stackFrame Components

Control your expenses and save money.

We've added custom style options in the Properties Panel (right sidebar in Framer) allowing you to customize the look of any of our components.

Use Cases

Social Apps

Job Boards

Collect Payments

Start building in Framer today.

*No credit card requires

Start building in Framer today.

Start Building

*No credit card requires

Start building in Framer today.

Start Building
*No credit card requires

Transform your Framer Websites into full blown Web Apps with

stackFrame Components

Transform your Framer Websites into full blown Web Apps with stackFrame Components


Use Cases

Transform your Framer Websites into full blown Web Apps with stackFrame Components


Use Cases